Thursday, February 10, 2011

My Princess Episode 12

ah...just watch the raw and wow ...two surprises here.

HY's dad have tried to make contact after seeing the Advertisement about LS's dad

.At the end of episode 12, LS saw HY's dad come out of the house he brought her while he seems oblivious of it. Is that a fragment of LS's memory? Is HY's dad the uncle who loves to cry that LS talked about at the orphanage?


While some find that there is not much happening in this episode, I personally likes the development here both in the plot and in LS and HY's relation ship.

Watching their interaction got me all warm and fuzzy inside.They are settling more and more in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship, getting closer to each other...much closer (^_^) trusting and wanting to protect each other amidst all the mayhem.

I love how HY is no longer hiding his love for her at all to ANYONE.Even changing how he called her...use to be Lee Seul or Princess..but change to Seul this episode. LS is also starting grow up, trying to protect HY in her own way, not letting him see her tears when YJ told her that his dad is the one who cause her dad's death and stopping him from telling her about his ad suspected involvement.

I also like how both the LS and HY are proactive about finding the truth about what really happened and not just taking the word of Grandpa or the secretary.

Favorite Moments 

HY telling LS that she can go into his room anytime without permission and them exchanging the sweet smile after that.

LS: Do you believe that I am the princess?
It doesn't matter what others say,till the day I die you will forever be the bad princess who take away my fortune.(Smiling warmly at her)
(hold her hands and look warmly at her) Don't worry, I will take care of everything. Do you understand? Princess?
LS smiles and nod her head, touched.
I will be right back.

HY saw LS's question from episode 5? on her micro blog:
"Because of a civil servant my heart is beating fast and can't sleep. What should one do? "
And twit back...
"Because of you the civil servant's heart is beating fast and can't sleep What should one do? - Mr P"

HY: Whatever the truth is, let find out together.

HY : I like what the Princess likes.

YJ: Remove the your hands
The Chairman wants me to bring the Princess back
HY: "Tell him that I took the princess with me without regard of the consequences"
YJ: Why should I tell such a lie?
HY: It is not a lie.I am taking the princess with me without regards of the consequences

HY (in the car): I wasn’t going to do this because it is a trying time for you and I didn’t want to just make myself happy, but…I’m just going to be the bad guy...
(Is he holding her hands in the car? Looks like he is driving with one hand and the other hand is holding hers.)

Anticipation for the next episode.
HY dad...he is part of LS memory and LS have been to the house on the hill before. He looked friendly ...probably he is the uncle LS talked about as a kid at the orphanage. He had also tried to make contact when he saw the advertisement... So maybe he is not the bad guy...hope he will appear and clear things up...and make HY happy.

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